Allcargo Terminals has established a CFS in JNPT to help ease the logistics challenges in the country. This facility in JNPT has been an efficient move in handling a majority of the country’s container traffic. The facility helps tackle different challenges in the logistics industry, including congested road networks and varying infrastructure potential to ensure the smooth movement of containers. Dive deeper into this article to explore the role of Allcargo JNPT CFS in streamlining the logistics landscape of India.
The Processes Performed at Allcargo Terminals’ CFS in JNPT
The Allcargo Terminals CFS in JNPT helps both importing and exporting businesses. The different functions performed at the CFS station are as follows:
Container Maintenance
The professionals present at the CFS in JNPT are responsible for taking care of the containers. From pest-proofing the containers to cleaning them regularly, the professionals do it all. Moreover, the containers are also prevented from coming in touch with water so that they don’t rust.
With proper maintenance at the CFS in JNPT, all your shipments remain in good condition, free from damage. Regular maintenance efforts help with the identification of issues in containers faster. It ensures that no small issue with containers can transform into something big, which demands expensive repairs.
Organizing Empty Containers
Arranging empty containers at the container yard is a huge responsibility. At the CFS in JNPT, these containers get organized as per colors and sizes. By properly organizing containers, several accidents and other mishappenings at freight stations can be stopped. The containers are properly tallied during the organization to ensure that they match records.
Receiving and Dispatching Cargo
The primary purpose of a CFS is to send and receive cargo. Therefore, several containers are moved in and out of CFS facilities all the time. That’s why the Allcargo CFS in JNPT is well-connected to yards in ports.
In some cases, the CFS in JNPT can also look after transshipment movements between the freight station and a rail yard or tracking stands. These containers might be loaded, empty, or half-loaded.
Loading and Unloading Containers
At any CFS in JNPT, loading and unloading containers is a common task. All CFS facilities have cranes for quickly and safely loading and unloading containers. These cranes are also useful for handling the weight of heavy containers. Apart from cranes, side loaders, reach stackers, and heavy forklifts are also used at these facilities. The tools used for loading and unloading at CFS stations will depend on the weight of the containers.
Stuffing Containers
At a CFS in JNPT, several shipments are packed into one container. But several guidelines need to be followed while stuffing containers with shipments. For instance, it’s mandatory to build protective layers between items to keep them in place during shipping.
Moreover, it is significant to identify the right number of shipments that will fit inside a container. Placing the right number of shipments will ensure no space is wasted inside the container, or no goods get damaged. Once the loaded containers appear at the destination, the workers begin taking the shipments out of them.
Transit Operations
Multiple shipments reach a CFS in JNPT throughout the day. After the clearance process with the customs agents is over, businesses are required to take their shipments away. This way, the CFS stations can create space for other shipments.
In case you are unable to pick up the shipments for any reason, the CFS in JNPT often delivers them to your destination. You can pick from road or rail transit methods as per your preferences.
Marking Containers
A CFS in JNPT will get shipments from a wide range of customers. Taking care of all these goods can be pretty confusing and overwhelming. But, CSF workers are equipped to handle all these items with ease.
Workers at a CFS in JNPT add the shipper or consignee’s name to all containers. They also add package numbers, port marks, destination port, and freight forwarder’s name to easily recognize the containers.
Maintaining the Security of Goods
CFS facilities are also responsible for keeping the items in a secure location before finally delivering them. A CFS in JNPT will handle all the goods meticulously while loading, unloading, and moving them to their required destination. Moreover, these facilities rely on enhanced security protocols to maintain the safety of the goods and containers.
Wrapping up
The AllcargoCFS in JNPT has been built in a strategic location to swiftly move cargo from ports. By acting as an extension of the port, the CFS facility can reduce transit times and eliminate the risk of delays. Moreover, the facility has state-of-the-art infrastructure like secure storage facilities and modern equipment for handling cargo to ensure the safety of containers. Therefore, working with a reliable CFS network like Allcargo Terminals in JNPT will fulfill all your shipping needs and exceed all your expectations.